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Questions tagged [accepted-answer]

Use for questions on meta about the A that the user who posted the Q deemed best met their need. This tag is for discussing issues related to accepted answers, not indicating that a question has an accepted answer.

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3 votes
1 answer

Two good answers, so how do I select one to accept?

I have a question about my Web Applications Stack Exchange post: Make Startpage search results page bold or highlight keywords used One answerer tells me exactly what is happening about the startpage,...
illiterate's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Why isn't the +2 reputation from accepting an answer on your own question negated when that question (as well as the answer) is deleted?

Unless a post has a score > 3 and was visible on the site for > 60 days, the reputation gained and/or lost from it is reverted if it gets deleted. Except it doesn't revert the +2 reputation for ...
clickbait's user avatar
  • 133
2 votes
1 answer

Question asked but answer no longer valid [duplicate]

What do you do if the answer to a question you have asked is no longer valid due to changes made by the website? For example this one about YouTube.
Celeritas's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Review "Ghost" Questions With Answers

Would it be good to have a review queue, that reviews answers given, for questions that are inactive for lets say 6 months or longer? Activity would be referenced to the "last seen" date and answers ...
Jacob Jan's user avatar
  • 23.3k