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Questions tagged [badges]

Badges are awarded to encourage and incentivize positive community actions within the site.

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Is there any issue with Steward badge?

I received back to back notification for earning Steward badges for the same reasons: You can see there are total 13 Steward badges have been awarded in last one hour multiple times for same review ...
serenesat's user avatar
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Why did I receive badge notification which I have already earned?

Yesterday I received notification 2 times on main site (as well as for Stack Overflow) that I have earned "Marshal" badge, which I have already earned back in November 2015. See the below screenshot ...
serenesat's user avatar
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New Badge for consideration

The Fanatic (gold) badge is awarded for "Visited the site each day for 100 consecutive days". I believe Web Apps has at least one user who has passed the two year mark and wonder whether additional ...
pnuts's user avatar
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Year Notation Missing

I just got awarded the copy editors badge and I noticed that Al's date notation is missing a year entry (similar to the rest): Apparently around april 2013, dates start appear: Is it a fiscal year, ...
Jacob Jan's user avatar
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Progress towards the "Strunk and White" badge?

I remember having a look at how close I am to the "Strunk and White" badge, a long time ago. I have been inactive for a few months now, and can't find it anywhere now. Can somebody help me here?
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New Badge Banner

I received the electorate badge sometime today but I didn't get the whizz bang banner congratulating me on this awesome achievement. I don't know if there is anyway for you to check whether a banner ...
codingbadger's user avatar
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108 edits, yet no Strunk & White badge

I checked the Users > Editor > All tab, and learnt that I have made 108 edits so far. "Strunk & White" badge is given after 80 edits, but I did not receive it. What could be the problem here?...
Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar
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The new gold and bronze badges are too close in color

The colors of the gold and bronze badges in this design are too close in color and hard to distinguish. Here's a screenshot from the header: Here's a screenshot from the badges page
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
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How do you determine if someone is worthy the Beta badge?

I'm wondering why I have not received the Beta badge. I've looked at the list of Beta badge recipients and it appears that I have been more active then several others. How do you determine if ...
citadelgrad's user avatar
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Badge total not updating

According to my recent activity and profile page ( I've been awarded three badges, but the total on the summary is still saying 2. In addition I've ...
ChrisF's user avatar
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