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Questions tagged [obsolete-questions]

Use this tag when asking about questions about obsolete web applications or application features.

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7 votes
1 answer

How to treat questions that are non-relevant anymore?

I was looking at old questions, to find some questions without answers that it's worth answering, and I came across this question: YouTube videos embedded in Facebook are not playing when in HTTPS. ...
arieljannai's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Closing all questions regarding Google Reader

Given that Google Reader has been shutdown, I’d say that all questions regarding it should be closed. What say you? (This should also apply to any and all “dead” web apps, since there can’t be any ...
Alex's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How should questions about defunct services be handled?

I was revisiting my reputation history tonight and came across an answer I submitted to a question about Aardvark, a social Q&A service that Google closed down during its "More Wood Behind Fewer ...
dgw's user avatar
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