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Questions tagged [account-suspension]

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5 votes
0 answers

Why did I receive a 30-day suspension because of a few questions closed by a new policy ("show research") introduced after the questions were posted? [closed]

On March 10, 2023, I received a 30-day suspension due to, according to one moderator, low-quality questions. I am puzzled because: I had only 2 questions over the 30 days prior to the suspension, as ...
5 votes
1 answer

How often / how many times am I allowed to remind mods about some pending questions without getting suspended?

From time to time, I ask a question on meta that would benefit from an answer from the mods, but I don't receive any answer from the mods (example 1, example 2) or I'm being told by the mods in the ...
5 votes
0 answers

Why did a mod threaten me with a suspension for "continually pinging a mod" whereas I was simply replying comments they made on one of my questions?

On this question, a moderator wrote (emphasis mine): On the main site, comments should not be used to have extended discussions. Please use the Stack Exchange features properly. Also, refrain from ...
2 votes
0 answers

Why did I receive a suspension for some action I had done and discussed with a mod over 1 year before the suspension?

I received a 30-day suspension. I was confused by the reason, so I asked on Meta and was told by a mod that the reason was: You should refrain from reposting questions that have been deleted for ...