Why does this Q report as {on hold}:
Wayback Machine archiving broken with HTTPS
when it is actually locked?
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Some extra details:
I am assuming a rejected migration does not presuppose off site here (eg sometimes OPs ask for migration because they think they will get a better response on another site).
I am assuming the Q’s status at present is as set at the time of the ‘migration’ and ‘hold’ notices.
I accept that the Q (as it stands) is off topic here and at SU.
By the looks of it, the Q was here, there and back in less than 5 hours. Seems unfair to reduce the opportunity for this OP to improve the post to such a short interval (relatively) just because it looked suitable on SU (better than looking absolute rubbish!). {on hold}’s limit is 5 days, not hours.