The tour instructs new users:

Ask about... Browsers and their features relating to the use of a web application (Greasemonkey scripts for a web application, etc.)

and later

Don't ask about... Web browsers, including features and browser extensions/add-ons

The first one says that some browser questions are on topic, the second one says that all browser questions are off-topic. It's not obvious which one has higher priority.

Should the second be qualified similarly to the first? E.g., "Don't ask about... Usage of web browsers that is not specific to a web application"

I understand this is a nuanced issue, at least according to some 5-year-old meta posts:

1 Answer 1


I have amended the tour to be more specific on what is allowed. The Ask About... section now states:

  • Augmented browsing extensions that directly relate to the use of a web application (Greasemonkey scripts for a web application, etc.)

I have left the Don't ask about... section as it is. Hopefully that will clear up any confusion.

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