Questions tagged [vote-to-close]

Voting to Close is the process by which users can vote to close a question. You gain the ability to cast close votes when you reach 3,000 Reputation.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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15 votes
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Cancelling election - let's try something else? Testing three-vote question closure

UPDATE: Thanks for participating in this test! I'll look at the info and see how it went. In the interim, if you have any feedback you'd like to give, there's a place for that here: Feedback request - ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 101
10 votes
0 answers

Do we want to reduce the number of votes needed to Close/Reopen questions?

Recently Stack Overflow reduced the number of votes needed to close/reopen questions from 5 to 3 after a successful experiment to see if it was worth it. The results were that it did improve the rate ...
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 8,999
2 votes
1 answer

Request to reopen my Facebook question that I believe was wrongly marked as duplicate of a question closed as "needs details or clarity"

In November 2011, I asked "How do I let my Facebook friends view my Timeline posts without letting them comment on the posts?" I made sure to make my question clear, straightforward, and on-...
galacticninja's user avatar