Voting is important

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    Whenever you encounter a question, answer or comment that you feel is especially useful, vote it up!

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    Downvotes should be used to indicate issues with quality, effort, or accuracy of a post

Vote up/down from anonymous users and users with low reputation, while are not included in the posts scores and doesn't impact on users reputation, they are logged as anonymous feedback which could be seen by users with the privilege access to moderator tools and help to better moderate this site.

Take your time for voting

  • Avoid serial voting. Please read carefuly each post before voting.
  • Avoid user targeted voting. Avoid focusing on voting only the posts of a single user. It's OK if looking at the main page, the questions page or the results page when searching for a tag or certain topics and you found many posts from the same user. When voting an answer, first read carefully the question and vote the answer considering the context provided by the question (is the answer actually answering the question?).

Rewards for vote up/down

On Web Applications, to those users who have earned the privilege to up vote and down vote, there are badges awarded to recognize users that have reached certain milestones:

  • Supporter First up vote
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  • Suffrage Use 30 votes in a day
  • Vox Populi Use the maximum 40 votes in a day
  • Sportmanship Up vote 100 answers on questions where an answer of yours has a positive score
  • Electorate Vote on 600 questions and 25% or more of total votes are on questions

The outcome

Voting helps to mantain the community healthy.

  • Helps to make good posts easier to find, i.e. when sorting by score.
  • Helps to clean the site as posts with zero or negative scores, not enough comments and no answers will be "deleted" making easier to find helpful content. "Deleted" posts might be found by post authors, >10K rep, diamond moderators, staff and in https://data.stackexchange.com.
  • Motivates community members to improve their posts and continue participating. Make them possible to earn privileges to increase their participation possibilities.

At the end, we will have a public repository of high quality content in the form of questions and answers.

Neglected posts

If you have ideas to find neglected posts regarding voting, post each of them as a new answer to make it easier to ask clarification, provide feedback, and when needed coordinate follow-up actions.

Unrelated stuff

If you have concerns about something different about voting up / down, i.e. unanswered posts, new tags, etc., please look if there is already a related post or add a new one.

Users with >10k rep.

There are 15 users >10k rep. For those that are part of thee group:

Access to the Anonymous and Low Reputation Post Feedback

  1. Click on Review Queues > Tools.
  2. Scroll to the Links section and click on anonymous and low rep post feedback (only available for users with reputation >= 10K.


From Meta Stack Exchange

Historical posts from this site


5 Answers 5


Suggestion for voting on unanswered questions having at least one answer

is:question isanswered:0 answers:1 closed:0 hasaccepted:0

As of February 26, 2023 returns 3,245 questions.

To be considered answered the question should have at least one answer with a score >= 2. Unanswered question are ramdomly selected to be bumped by Community user, one each hour.

Due to the activity of Web Applications SE, it's common to find the homepage full of Community user bumped questions. IMO this is bad for the site as most of the bumped questions are questions are still open due to the lack of voting.



Top 100 questions by the number of times that were bumped by Community User

The list was generated by using a SEDE query. Apparently, these questions are +5 years old.

Rank Question Tags Count Status
1 How does Mint.com Budget Once work? 46 One answer
1 Download list of contact information and check if Google Account 46 One answer
1 Maintaining user submitted entries state so it can be viewed when page reloads in Cognito Forms 46 One answer
1 Select drop down field in one Cognito Form where the values come from another form 46 One answer
1 Edit multiple entries in Cognito Forms 46 One answer
6 Selecting a single column from all rows for chart range 45 One answer
6 Field edits that are exported automatically in Cognito Forms PDF attachment? 45 One answer
6 Conditional File Attachment 45 One answer
6 How to validate Cognito Form using existing data on another application 45 One answer
6 How do I send confirmation emails to multiple respondent addresses when entries are submitted in Cognito Forms? 45 One answer
6 Provide another user permissions access to see submitted Cognito forms 45 One answer
6 Calculations and repeating sections 45 One answer
6 Changing the name of a Facebook app developer 45 Closed
6 Is it possible to quickly invite people to join a group rather than just adding them? 45 Answers +2
6 Notification of posts including your business place on Facebook 45 Answers +2
6 Calculate Total Based on Selected Options Part 2 45 One answer
6 How can I assign a price or collect payment for each repeating section? 45 Answers +2
6 Can you change the status of multiple entries in a Cognito form? 45 One answer
19 Querying multiple ranges from form responses to new sheet 44 One answer
19 Organize / categorize forms into named folders? 44 One answer
19 How do I send a piece of HTML in Outlook Web Access? 44 Closed
19 Cognito to Sharepoint Integrations seems to be using the Display Name from Cognito 44 One answer
19 Need a formula to synchronise "Entry" with existing numbering 44 One answer
19 Decimal.Parse returning NULL value on text calculation displaying IF result 44 One answer
25 Assign a value to a drop down selection 43 Answers +2
26 Is it possible to link one calendar to another inside the same form? 42 One answer
26 Why did friend's likes disappear from my posts on Facebook? 42 Answers +2
28 Adding user data to form entries 41 One answer
28 Checking which time is more recent 41 One answer
30 Photos received through Hangouts 40 One answer
30 Can I change text on "Save" button for Save & Resume Feature 40 One answer
30 Email aliases on Windows Live Domains for custom domains 40 Answers +2
30 Blogger profile changes to nameless profile when I try to follow blogs 40 Zero answers
34 Connect a mail.live.com address to an office365.com account - unusual activity 39 One answer
34 How to include URLs of attachments in exported spreadsheet 39 One answer
34 Validate text field to hold only digits 39 One answer
37 Accessing encrypted form submissions via email notification 38 One answer
37 "If then" calculations based on value 38 One answer
37 Form entries not appearing 38 One answer
37 How can we get the referring URL value in a Cognito form? 38 One answer
37 How to remove notification for suggested friend on Facebook? 38 Answers +2
37 Can I limit a text field in Cognito Forms to NOT allow alpha characters? 38 One answer
43 How to add persistent submit button to multi page forms? 37 One answer
43 Prefilling a Cognito form 37 One answer
43 Does adding a Google+ Instant Upload photo to an album create multiple copies? 37 Closed
46 Prevent 'reply all' in Facebook group message 36 Answers +2
46 If I like a friend's old post, would my 'Like' appear to our friend's (mutual) news feed? 36 Answers +2
46 Disable Google groups mail delivery 36 One answer
49 Calculation Field referencing field in an separate form 35 One answer
49 Line break in question label 35 One answer
49 How do I stop event invites from a particular group without leaving it? 35 One answer
49 Adding email attachment to Google Photos 35 One answer
49 Force embedded YouTube videos to play at specific quality resolution 35 Answers +2
54 Scheduled exports (emailed?) 34 One answer
54 Is there some way wherein an end user would see all the entries submitted to a particular form? 34 One answer
54 How do I make my PayPal account have the features of a credit card processor and not just a PayPal button? 34 One answer
54 Keep posts on Friends' timelines from appearing on mine 34 Answers +2
54 How do you upload an image in Sourceforge.wiki? 34 One answer
54 Can I indicate from which customer a Trello task is for? 34 Answers +2
54 Can I invite people to like page who liked the post when I shared into a Facebook group? 34 One answer
54 Making a condition on a question to only be asked to a certain amount of people 34 One answer
62 How to use Facebook pages shortcuts? 33 One answer
62 Lookup a value? 33 One answer
62 Change Facebook "Watching" activity to "Watched" 33 One answer
62 Dynamically displaying content entered into a repeating section on a subsequent page 33 One answer
62 Coloring cells according to the value to which its content is closest 33 Closed
67 Trying to do a calculation with a Choice field and Decimal in Cognito Forms 32 One answer
67 Summing values from multiple sheets with names specified in cells 32 Answers +2
67 Is there option to download all the attached documents of the Cognito form entries? 32 One answer
70 Counting rows where condition is met in at least one column 31 One answer
70 Does Cognito Forms allow the changing of who is sending the email? 31 One answer
70 Copy range from specific values to top of another sheet 31 Answers +2
70 Does Facebook automatically archive older posts in a group? How can I access these archived posts? 31 Answers +2
70 Facebook getting search history from Gmail, LinkedIn and Twitter 31 Answers +2
75 Does adding new friends to an old post show as new on the new friends' timelines? 30 One answer
75 Clear emails automatically from sent folder? 30 One answer
75 Extract Google Calendar data to Google Sheets 30 One answer
75 Is there any way to disable a calculation field? 30 One answer
75 Is there a way to number uploaded files (specifically photos) in Cognito Forms? 30 One answer
80 How can I copy big data from Shared folder on Google Drive without downloading them? 29 Answers +2
80 Pulling up and re-using historic data after a payment is made 29 One answer
80 Hide products that aren't selected in the Cognito confirmation email 29 One answer
80 How would I add line breaks for visual formatting of a Cognito form? 29 One answer
80 Filter email based on Gmail plus operator, with wildcard 29 One answer
80 Import Cognito Forms data from another page 29 One answer
86 How to see all flagged emails in Outlook.com? 28 Answers +2
86 Facebook shortcut Alt + Del for archiving messages has stopped working 28 One answer
86 Show all posts and comments in a Facebook group that I am a member of, not an admin 28 One answer
86 Choice list autocomplete 28 One answer
86 Is there a way to eliminate options when quantity hits 0? 28 One answer
86 Merging PDF upload 28 Closed
86 Use calculation to provide the next Friday based on submission date 28 One answer
86 Creative Cognito Forms notification email that contains all form details 28 One answer
86 Select case conditional logic 28 One answer
86 Fields on form blank after viewing web link 28 One answer
86 Filtering entries by a date range 28 Answers +2
86 Limit sub-user access to specific filters on same form 28 One answer
98 New document version and old document version 27 One answer
98 Show/Hide Rows based on text in a cell 27 One answer
98 YouTube higher quality = no buffering 27 One answer

P.S. +50% (57) questions are tagged



While the homepage might the natural place to start looking about which questions to vote, here is a suggestion about were to start oriented to give some attention to neglected questions:

answers:0 views:...10 created:2022 closed:0

returns 581 open questions created in 2022, having zero answers, up to 10 views, most recent active first.


Suggestion for voting on neglected answers

is:answer isaccepted:0 lastactive:2022 votes:0

returns 1,131 answers that have 0 votes, are not accepted and were last active in 2022.

is:answer isaccepted:0 lastactive:2022 votes:0 [google-sheets] returns 610 answers (almost 50%)

is:answer isaccepted:0 lastactive:2022 votes:0 [gmail] returns 92 answers

is:answer isaccepted:0 lastactive:2022 votes:0 [youtube] returns 49

is:answer isaccepted:0 lastactive:2022 votes:0 [facebook*] returns 29


Idea from Search for question with positive score where all answers have zero score

Forked and adapted from the query shared in rene's answer:

Search for open questions with positive score where All answers (2 or more) have zero score

Note: Data in the Stack Exchange Data Explorer is updated once a week, on Sundays. The Help mentions the date of the last update.

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