How can a user who doesn't even have 2000 points yet have so much power on a platform that's passed out of beta?
In this case the user is also a moderator. Notice the ♦
at the end of the user's name. For all SE sites, the symbol indicates a moderator. The power of a moderator exceeds anything they could have based on reputation points alone. That authority is given to them so they can do their jobs on the site(s) they are responsible for. BTW, a moderator on one site is not necessarily one on another, and probably isn't because of the work involved in doing moderation.
Is the example provided not appropriate for my question?
I can't say if it is appropriate or not. I can say that it is unnecessary. I read, and understood the question clearly without the disputed text. I also don't know why that text, on Twitter, would lead to you being kicked off. Maybe it means something, but I don't know what, since I don't use Twitter, at all.
A different, possible, problem is that the same syntax is used on all SE sites to bring the attention of the named user to that post. So it looks like you're trying to get the attention of a specific user in the question, which is inappropriate, even though I don't think it works in questions anyway.
Almost all the comments have been removed from the question, if there were any, so I don't know what has been said before. I'm going to guess that the moderator and yourself have exchanged words over that edit, more than once, and that the moderator has explained why the edit was done. What can be see in the comments is that the moderator thought the removed text was 1) distracting from your point, and 2) neither necessary nor welcome on this site.
I can't address the "welcome" point, but I can the other two points.
It is not necessary. As I already explained above, without that in the question, I totally understood the question, and the potential reason for the need.
It does distract from your question. After I reviewed the edits to see what was removed, I forgot about the question itself, and I was even distracted from this question, until I noticed this tab still open in my browser. I was thinking about "what does that mean?", "why would that get Twitter upset?", and "why doesn't the moderator like it?" The need to archive the images was gone from my mind completely. If you want a quality answer to the question, the question should only give the needed information, and the real statement of the question or problem. Honestly event the point "I'm a little paranoid that I'll be kicked off the platform at some point" is pointless. Why you want the archive is none of my business, and doesn't affect how you get them, so why include it in the question.
There's my 2¢ worth. Keep the change.