I am relatively new in the arena of Stack Exchange sites. My oldest subscription is at Stack Overflow and is only ten months old. Now I subscribe to six sites. I am still amazed by the beauty of Stack Exchange.
Anyway, now that I have introduced myself, let us come to the point. It appears to me that in webapps, I am rather unlucky. In the other sites, I got very good answers almost within the day, if not within the hours. It is a different story in Webapps.
In webapps, I have asked three questions so far,
- Why does Unicode searching fail in Google Calendar?
- Custom question for people wishing to join groups in new Google groups
- Deleting old versions of files from Google site
None of these secured me an answer. Only one of these got up voted. For others, nobody even bothered to answer (not even up vote or down vote, thanks for the second one). There have been some views.
May be I will get a bunch of Tumbleweed badges soon. But I am not exactly looking for that dubious distinction.
What could have gone wrong here? My questions were not worthy of answers? But they are my real life problems. And so far, I have never been chastised for asking foolish questions.
One thing in common, all the questions are related to Google applications.
Any inputs, suggestions, and even comments will be appreciated.